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Governors are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and have an important part to play in raising standards in schools.

At our academy, governors include representatives of staff, parents, our sponsor The Co-op and members of the community.

Could you join us as a parent or community governor? 

Please complete the expression of interest form here and our Governance Team will contact you to talk more about the role. 


Introduction to our Academy Governing Council

Governors are volunteers who give up their time to help the academy be the best it can be. Their role is to work together with academy leaders to set the strategic direction of the academy.

The academy is a member of a trust which delegates certain decision-making powers to our Academy Governing Council.

Co-op Academies Trust is a multi-academy trust which runs a number of academies. Please visit the Trust website to find out about the Trust Board and also to view the Trust’s Annual Report, Policies and Financial Statements.

The Trust operate within an established Scheme of Delegation detailing those matters that are reserved for the Board and those delegated to governors and Headteacher:

  • Decisions reserved for the Trust Board include providing strategic direction to the Trust, ensuring financial viability, establishing an Audit Committee and compliance with Department for Education requirements.
  • The governors at each academy are responsible for ensuring a high-quality student experience that meets the needs of the local community. This will include remaining informed about what children are learning and the progress they are making, making sure children are safe, ensuring resources are used effectively and engaging the stakeholders.

How our Academy Governing Council is organised

The Academy Governing Council consists of 8 to 12 governors, of which between 2 to 5 governors are appointed by the sponsor. In addition, the local governing body includes 1 staff governor, 2 parent governors and the Headteacher. The Academy Governing Council can then appoint a number of community governors to be representative of the local community, provide insight into local partnership links, or bring a particular skillset.

Contacting governors

Governors can be contacted by writing to the regional governance manager using the contact details below.

Katie Whitmore (

Co-op Academy of Stoke-on-Trent
Westport Road

Current Governors

Helen Oakley (Chair)

Having joined the Co-op Group in August 2020, I currently work as Financial Controller of Nisa, the Co-op’s Wholesale business. After completing a Modern Language degree, I trained and qualified as a Chartered Accountant and have since pursued a career in business, mostly in the retail sector, leading teams across finance, warehousing, and logistics.

I have always been passionate about helping young people fulfill their potential. I volunteer as a mentor and trustee of ‘The Gettalife Project’, a small charity enabling high-quality apprenticeship opportunities across the North West, and in 2017 was a founder trustee of a charity supporting looked after children and foster families.

I have served as a high school governor for the past 11 years; first as finance link governor in a newly created academy and then as a member of the school improvement board of an inner-city academy in Greater Manchester. I hope to draw on that experience to lead the Governing Council at the Academy and to support and challenge the Senior Leadership team at this already highly successful school.

Full Name

Helen Oakley

Date of appointment


Term of office

4 years

Category of Governor

Sponsor; Chair of Governors

Appointed by

Appointed by the sponsor

Subcommittee membership (2022-23)


Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings (2022-23)


Attendance at subcommittee meetings (2022-23)


Andy Greenhough

I’m the Director of Employer Engagement at Stoke-on-Trent College and I’ve been a Governor at the Academy since May 2014.  I’ve lived in the north of the City all my life and I’m passionate about the impact that the Academy can have on our community.  I’m eager to use the knowledge I’ve gained from 17 years working in employment, education and training to help the Academy to be innovative whilst maintaining the highest standards. Like everyone involved in the Academy I want our students to achieve in a safe, aspirational and supportive environment.

Full Name

Andy Greenough

Date of appointment


Term of office

2 years

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Appointed by the Academy Governing Council

Subcommittee membership (2022-23)

Pay Committee

Declarations of interest > Member, Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce
>Self-employed consultant – Greenhough Education, Training and Skills Consultancy Ltd
> Contractor for Staffordshire Partnership for Employment and Skills
>Contractor for Colleges West Midlands (CWM)
> Contractor for West Midlands Provider Network (WMPN)
> Greater Birmingham and Solihull Training Provider Network

Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings (2022-23)


Attendance at subcommittee meetings (2022-23)

Pay Committee: 1/1

Jayne Crowe

Full Name

Jayne Crowe

Date of appointment


Term of office

4 years

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Appointed by the sponsor

Subcommittee membership (2022-23)


Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings (2022-23)


Attendance at subcommittee meetings (2022-23)



Adrian Rowley

Full Name

Adrian Rowley

Date of appointment


Term of office

4 years

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Appointed by the sponsor

Subcommittee membership (2022-23)

Pay Committee

Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings (2022-23)


Attendance at subcommittee meetings (2022-23)

Pay Committee: 1/1


Shane Richardson

Full Name

Shane Richardson     

Date of appointment


Term of office


Category of Governor


Appointed by

By virtue of appointment as Headteacher

Subcommittee membership (2022-23)


Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings (2022-23)


Attendance at subcommittee meetings (2022-23)



Tom Hutchinson

Full Name

Tom Hutchinson

Date of appointment


Term of office

4 years

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Appointed by the Academy Governing Council

Subcommittee membership (2022-23)


Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings (2022-23)


Attendance at subcommittee meetings (2022-23)



James Eagney

Full Name

James Eagney

Date of appointment


Term of office

4 years

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Appointed by the Academy Governing Council

Subcommittee membership (2022-23)


Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings (2022-23)


Attendance at subcommittee meetings (2022-23)



Michelle Aitken

Full Name

Michelle Aitken

Date of appointment


Term of office

4 years

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Elected by staff

Subcommittee membership (2022-23)


Declarations of Interest


Attendance at Academy Governing Council meetings (2022-23)


Attendance at subcommittee meetings (2022-23)



Nkita Weldon

Full Name

Nkita Weldon

Date of appointment


Term of office

4 years

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Appointment by the academy governing council
Declarations of interest 

1. Partner is currently the Member of Parliament for Stoke on Trent North. (commenced in 2019, and ongoing).

2. Governor is employed by Teach First, an education charity. The role involves mentoring ITT trainees in the North West and Stoke area. (commenced in 2022, and ongoing)

Parvais Akhtar

Full Name

Parvais Akhtar

Date of appointment


Term of office

4 years

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Elected by parents
Declarations of interest 


Alex Littlejohn

Full Name

Alex Littlejohn

Date of appointment


Term of office

4 years

Category of Governor


Appointed by

Appointment by the academy governing council
Declarations of interest 



Retired Governors

Name Date Appointed Date Resigned

Attendance at

AGC Meetings 2022-23

Andrew Koropisz 17/03/2023 12/09/2023 1/3
Dale Upton 29/11/2019 03/03/2023 4/6
Alice Firth 13/11/2020 05/09/2022 2/6
David Spall 01/09/2018 31/08/2022 6/6
Ian Jennings 01/03/2019 30/08/2022 3/6
Mohammed Nazakit 29/03/2023 27/02/2024 2/2